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Our Other Activities

"Service" means for us not only serving our customers, but also the local and global community. Where we can, we do our small part "to make this world a better place":

Asia Injury Prevention Foundation
"Helmets for Kids" Programme

Registration and Donation of Domain

Internet Society of Vietnam

Registration and Donation of Domain,
Providing Webspace, eMail lists,
Providing office space for a secretary


Registration and Donation of Domain,
Initial Idea

Open Source Router Project

Registration and Donation of Domain,
Providing webspace for the "German" Mirror

Open Source Portal Project

Started translation to Vietnamese.
Will be published once finished - or to volunteers who are interested in helping.

This is however only a small part of what we are engaged in.

Director Stefan Probst participates in a number of volunteer organizations: He was active member of the now dissolved Internet Societal Task Force (ISTF - an activity of the Internet Society), and was elected to its Internet Societal Steering Group (ISSG).
He is active proponent for the use of Free/Open Source Software in Vietnam and assists relevant government agencies (e.g. in the Ministry of Science and Technology) in this task. He advises occasionally technicians of ISPs and IXPs on technical issues and tries to establish informal communication between them.

He is furthermore active in the "Vietnamization" of the Internet. As such he is co-operating with others in Vietnam to establish an "Internet Society of Vietnam". He is individual member of MINC (the Multilingual Internet Names Consortium), and commented on same drafts of ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). In order to provide the basic technologies for increased Vietnamese content in the Internet, he established and heads an "Unicode Working Group", which enables information exchange between interested members.

Opticom will continue to make its small contributions to the community - as far as our ressources permit.

This site is optimized for slow download speeds in Vietnam, and has therefore few graphics, etc.

(cc) 1998 - 2006 Opticom Technologies Ltd. - Some rights reserved: Attribution License by creativecommons.org
Comments, corrections, etc. are appreciated by the Webmaster.