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16-Mar-2006: A slight overhaul of our Website

Well, it was time to remove that prominent link about our open letter (see below). And since Spain has a new government, we are happily serving the Spanish Embassy again.
Unless we have actual news, we will put some advertising at that space instead.

Jul-2004: We start importing devices on a large scale

We import ADSL modems. First some palettes via air freight, then whole containers

19-Mar-2003: We sent an Open Letter to our customer, the Spanish Embassy in Hanoi.

We do not want to do business with a government, which supports others to ignore the wish of the UN Security Council and the majority of people of the world, breaking International Law and the UN Charter.
Read the whole letter.

14-Feb-2003: We changed the copyright of this Website.

All pages of this site are now covered by an "Attribution License" as published by creativecommons.org. This means that you are free to copy content from this site, as long as you cite us as the source of it. See details of this license here.

21-Jan-2003: Our portal www.BongDa.net goes online.

With the start of the new football (soccer - "Bóng Đá" in Vietnamese) season in Vietnam, we've put some first spartanic content up under that domain. More to come later....

15-Jan-2003: We have our .vn domain: opticom.com.vn!

Since we had already the opticom-vn.com domain, this new one was not really necessary, but it allows us to show our commitment to the Vietnamese Internet and it ensures, that nobody else "occupies" that domain and confuses customers.
Furthermore, faithful to our principle to "sell only what is tested", we know now how to get a .vn domain - also, when it is hosted outside of Vietnam, like our opticom.com.vn. This allows us to provide the same solutions to our customers.
For the time being, opticom.com.vn will be tied to opticom-vn.com, but we plan to later use it for the Vietnamese version of our website.
We use that occasion also, to get the new site up and running - even if there are still many holes to be filled....

This site is optimized for slow download speeds in Vietnam, and has therefore few graphics, etc.

(cc) 1998 - 2006 Opticom Technologies Ltd. - Some rights reserved: Attribution License by creativecommons.org
Comments, corrections, etc. are appreciated by the Webmaster.